What if you could say goodbye to stiff & achey joints, move more freely, and improve your performance in the gym?!

EXPLORE is a follow-along guided mobility practice that doesn't require you to already be flexible, and doesn't force you to stretch for hours at a time in order to see results!

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Now only $29!


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Did you know that you don't have to spend hours a day holding extremely uncomfortable stretches in order to improve your mobility and quality of movement?

Good mobility makes every day life easier and more enjoyable! When you’re lacking mobility in certain areas of your body, certain exercises and activities of daily living can start to cause aches and pains to pop up, and we want to mitigate that for you as much as possible!

When most people think about stretching, they’re almost always thinking of holding awkward, uncomfortable positions for prolonged periods of time and forcing their body to be more “flexible."

But, stretching doesn’t have to be a boring, painful, forceful, and time consuming experience!

In fact, holding stretches until you're blue in the face while trying to force your body to do something it doesn’t want to will have the opposite intended effect!

What if we told you could drastically improve your range of motion, be able to touch your toes easily, and drop into a deep squat without any issues with just a few short mobility sessions a week?

What if we also told you that you wouldn’t be holding these positions for longer than a couple seconds at a time, which will make you feel much better and more comfortable throughout the process.

Proper mobility training resembles more of a flow-like experience where you move through various ranges of motion, breathe deeply, and feel challenged - yet always successful and in control.

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EXPLORE not only shows you what to do, but also teaches you the why and the rationale behind each movement so that you have all the tools at your disposal to take the principals you learn into any movement practice you do.

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We're Lauren & Jason Pak!

And we created EXPLORE after more than 13 years working in the fitness industry and 8 years owning our own gym. Throughout this time we've worked with thousands of people who have a variety of different goals - some want to lose weight, some want to lift weights, some want to stave off injury, some want to just be able to get up and down off the floor with ease!

And while all of these goals may sound really different, there is one common thread that all of them require in order to achieve the goal successfully, and that is improved mobility.

With EXPLORE You'll Receive:

The "Ultimate Restoration Practice." This 40 minute module is a total body routine that works all the way from head to toe. You'll also learn why breathing has been the missing piece to your mobility practice, and how to position your core so you don't always feel "tight."

The "Express Mobility Practice." This 10-minute module is a shortened version of a total body mobility practice that can be used as a pre-workout warm up or a quick bout of movement when you're short on time!

The "Get Lower In Your Squat" breakout. This 16 minute module is specifically geared toward improving squat depth.

The "Raise Your Arms Overhead More Easily" breakout. This 18-minute module is specifically geared toward improving your range of motion overhead to improve exercises such as overhead presses, pullups, and snatches.

Over 35 different mobility exercises compiled into easy to follow guided routines.

A PDF download with every mobility drill and the recommended sets and reps.

Access to curated YouTube playlists for each module with individual video demonstration of each and every drill.

And enjoy lifetime access!


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EXPLORE will be a perfect fit if any of the following apply to you:

You've been doing the same stretches for years without seeing any improvements in your flexibility.

You seem pretty flexible but you always feel tight.

You hate traditional stretching but you know that improving your mobility has so many positive benefits.

You feel like you've been plateuing on certain lifts in the gym (squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, etc.) due to mobility restrictions.

You experience aches and pains when trying to get into certain positions throughout the day (i.e. bending down to do yardwork, reaching up to put something away, etc.)


Easy to follow guided mobility practices

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This practice begins with a breathing drill to help get the body into a less tense state and more prepared for movement. We then work our way from head to toe (or should we say neck to ankle) hitting all the major joints and then incorporating some comprehensive total body drills to wrap it up!

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This practice only takes 10 minutes and can be used as a warm up or cool down before or after a workout, or as a way to get in a quick bout of movement when you're short on time. Like the full practice, we work from head to toe and spend time at all the major joints!

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This practice focuses on specific mobility and stability drills that will enable you to squat deeper, with more ease, and with less discomfort! Whether you're trying to improve your squats in the gym or just want to get up and down with more ease, this breakout is sure to help you tremendously!

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This practice focuses on specific mobility and stability drills that will enable you to reach your arms overhead without compensation. If you have trouble getting your arms overhead without arching your back or flaring your ribs, you are definitely going to want to include this module in your routine!


How long will I have access to the materials?

Once you purchase EXPLORE you will have lifetime access to all of the content!

Is this okay for me if I’m really tight to begin with?

YES! We own a gym with people of all different ability levels so we know how to give instructions that help to meet people where they’re at, rather than forcing your body into positions that don’t feel good yet!

How long until I see results?

You should see some short terms results almost immediately. You’ll feel and move better literally within the first few minutes. However, in order to get those changes to stick, you need to be consistent! Just 2-3 times a week of mobility training 10-15 minutes long can drastically change the way you move in a matter of weeks!

Where do I access the videos?

We have an on demand platform where you can easily access the videos on your phone, tablet, or laptop, and you’ll also be able to cast it to your TV if you have an Apple TV/fire tv/roku device.

How strenuous will it be?

We're not going to lie, you might work up a little sweat! However all of the modules are as challenging or as easy as you make them to be! We give plenty of options for how to meet yourself where you're at depending on your fitness level and any current mobility limitations you might have.

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Over 600,000 people follow us on Instagram for our mobility & fitness tips! EXPLORE is our way to put all of our mobility content in one place for you to easily access at any time!



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Looking to add some strength training into your routine as well? Try out our 12-week foundational strength program, ELEVATE, which is appropriate for those who are earlier on in their strength training journeys as well as those who are more experienced but want to rebuild their base and address assymmetries/imbalances they might have. You'll receive access to our app for 12 weeks, receive thorough written instructions and video demonstrations of each exercise, and a walkthrough video at the start of each 4-week phase of training. As long as you have access to some weights, bands, and a stability ball (a pull up bar would be a bonus!), this program will be perfect for you!

ELEVATE is currently $79, but you can get it for $47 (40% off!) by adding it to your order today!

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